Saturday, November 27, 2010

In thanksgiving from Nyamlell

Father Michael Barton sent this e-mail on Thanksgiving Day from his parish in Nyamlell:

Here they are registering for the January 9 referendum for independence for the South Sudan.

There was an attack yesterday (Nov. 24) in our parish with some injuries of soldiers but it was still far from the parish center.

The superior of the OLSH Sisters read an article and looked at a map and decided to withdraw their Sisters on December 13th even before the end of the school year and so this will be more burdens to bear.

In October I developed a terrible lung infection and could not get any proper help and so it got worse and fever and a cough were so bad until I went and told a nurse that I was not going to move until she helped me and she did. It was a bad month but I only missed three classes in the whole time and now I am all right again.

White ant is another problem. They have gone to the rafters in some of the classrooms and in my room and the dinning room. So I got burnt or used engine oil and two class boys painted away to save our roofs from termites.

Last Saturday we had a wonderful day of recollection for our class eight pupils who will finish before Christmas. We prayed and laughed and even confessed and adored and celebrated a wonderful class of 2010. I am sure they will do well and will get good results.

In early November I got a Sudanese priest to live in the rectory and help with some liturgies. He will remain until the end of December. His name is Father Angelo Agany.

Today is Thanksgiving and I shall have some rice and lentils when I go back home and join with you in thanking God for HIS GOODNESS TO US.
