Monday, March 9, 2009

Have a good Lent

Sent from Nyamlell, March 1, 2009


I hope you are well and I greet you with all my heart. On Ash Wednesday I completed my first round of visits to all the chapels that I cannot get to during the rainy season. Then I drove to our nearest Comboni community, which is about a hundred miles a way in a town called Raga in Western Bahr el Gazhal.

The fathers welcomed me and let me use their mechanic and so I could have a few leaks stopped and the oil changed and filters, etc. On Saturday I drove back and was here to give out ashes for the first Sunday of Lent.

The Sisters had just returned from Nairobi and then Rumbek and they brought mail and a package of candy, which Kathleen had sent for Christmas and I will save for my birthday and for Easter 2009.

Also I was back to pay the workers and to pay for the workers of the new church in Marial Baai, which we are up to the windows and I now have all the materials on the site and hope for slow but sure progress.

Tomorrow I shall start the second round of visits to the chapels for Lent and to prepare for the celebration of the founding of the parish and the gospel in Nyamlell of 75 years. That celebration will be on October 1st , 2009.

Michael Barton

A busy 2008 for St. Theresa Parish in Sudan

E-mail sent Jan. 31, 2009

Dear Bishop,
We had 2555 baptisms and 24 marriages and 200 confirmations and 550 Masses and 7 funeral and 400 annointings of the sick and 3,456 confessions. These were done by Father Pax, Father Colombo and myself during the year of 2008.

Michael D. Barton